Thursday, April 3, 2008

go green

This world is gettin polluted every day which is very bad to our environment is causin alot of chemicals to be dispossed into the air which in future times can be very bad and cause health problems.i did a little research on the topic living green it was pretty intresting to see that there is so many ways to save the planet and keep it a safe must be a very crazy idea to live completely green but if its for the best of people and saving the environment.with the sources it shows me how to conserve energy by buying light bulbs that are called cfl and they help safe energy.also by saving the use of paper you are helping the environment from trees bein g cut off which helps us avoid all different types of chemicals that are toxic and can pollute the air and if breathed will cause damage to your lungs.also by recyling anything that has to do with paper,glass,bottle,aluminuims,etc, this will help by reusin these scraps and building new things for the planet.while seeing the movie "The Inconvienient Truth' i relized so much things that i had no idea were being done daily wise such as global warming the more the air gets polluted the less carbon dioxide is on earth which in the future is going to be a problem because without air we would die and we need it to breath and live.i found it very unbelievable that in the future years earth is going to be destroyed and theres a chance that all the waters would just take over the land and we would be under water.Al gore really is showing the world that we should start goin green and helping our planet.if this is the only way to survive im going to start and helping the planet out myself but im pretty sure i already am such as when im home and im not watching tv i turn it off and conserve the energy.also by turning off my computer before i go to sleep that is a big issue because computers use alot of the summer time is very had to conserve energy for the simple fact that is very hot and alot of people have air conditioner and it makes them just leave it on all day and also when there not in the house but is very wrong everyone should turn them off and save that energy because imagine a blackout in the summer again that would be very bad we would literally die of my house my mother always recycles all the bottles and cans because she always likes to keep it clean. this helps out alot specially the planet i think alot of people should relize whats going on and im pretty sure they would help and go green. i finally did that and im going to start helping the planet out in everyway i can specially at home by turnin off all lights when not needed and turning my tv off when im eithier not there or sleeping.


Angel said...


Anthony said...

You are certainly correct, i think that we have a long way to go, but something must be done now, this situation is not only bad for us, but for the planet. It's giving us bad lungs, and destroying the earth.

chum chum said...

yea anthony u certainly rite we have to start doing something now but alot of people dont relize was going on in the world

C. Jason Smith said...

Man, you are writing so much more and so much better than at the first of the semester! That brain is really starting to cook. Now, help us readers out a bit with some punctuation pleeeeeease.

And, yeah, we need to start doing stuff NOW.

C. Jason Smith said...

And add alink back to my blog PLEASE. ;)

C. Jason Smith said...

I think we may have a career blogger here-- But, damn, give me some road signs! (paragraphs, punctuation, ya know!)